The USHJA 2024 National Championships in Las Vegas...
We made it to 2024 USHJA NATIONALS!
Way to wrap up the season! This whole 2024 season has been amazing as we watched these two "grow into a pair." Competing at Nationals was just a faint dream at the start of the season that became unattainable for us as a family due to personal reasons but Samuelle's grand fathers came through for her in the end!
- 1m OPEN (all ages) Jumpers National CHAMPIONS 🥇🥇🥇
- 3rd place in 1m Junior Jumpers National Grand Prix 🥉
- 5th place in 1m Junior Jumpers National division
🌟 1st time competing in the USHJA rated section of the National Championships 🌟 2 time USHJA golden backstage pass winner 🌟 3 time USHJA Affiliate National Champions 🌟 4th USHJA National Championship in Las Vegas 🌟 5th place overall in 1m junior jumper division 🌟 and CHAMPIONS in the 1m OPEN JUMPERS 🏆 🌟
USHJA asked Samuelle if she would make a "Come with me to National Championships" vlog illustrating her unique perspective having leveled through the USHJA channels from winning a Golden Backstage pass through the outreach program to competing in the Affiliates - to qualifying and competing in the rated sections!
We honestly didn't count on making it this year, for several reasons... One being the fact that we had no real expectations of them doing so well in their first year together, it being the first time Sam teams up with and trains with a still green horse. But also because it's been a really rough year on a personal level, having survived a terrible car crash back in Belgium in March, leaving my mom (Sam's grandmother) hospitalized for months - requiring many trips back to visit her in the hospital and organize her move into a care facility. We didn't think we could afford the journey to Nationals this year ... BUT since they qualified with flying colors, both of Samuelle's grandpas decided to step in and sponsor this year's trip to Las Vegas!!! Lucky kid! Deservingly so. They worked SO HARD, placing:
- 2nd place in the 1m Junior Jumpers division 🥈
- 3rd place in 1.10m Junior Jumpers division 🥉
in USHJA Zone 5 (including all riders in Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois & Indiana)
>> qualifying for the 2024 USHJA Las Vegas Nationals, in the rated division!
Vegas, here they come!
#USHJA #USHJALasVegasNationals #USHJAnationalchampionship #ushjaoutreach
for sponsoring Samuelle's trip to Nationals this year!
Samuelle W Leerkamp