I started this note on your 6th birthday, allowing me to share one bit of humble #wisdom with you for each year that I've been around, starting with 43 initial insights and with the intention of adding to it each year on your birthday, as we grow older together.
And it goes like this:
- LOVE ALL. But surround yourself with those whom love you back. ―mom
- DON’T JUDGE. FEEL FREE of all judgment brought upon you. “Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who YOU are.”
- BE “TOGETHER” but DIFFERENT. Dare to be you. #beYOU
- LEARN TO LISTEN MORE THEN YOU TALK. You will make more room to learn and grow rather then being stuck at repeating what little you already know. ―mom
- AVOID GOSSIP and TOXIC ALLIANCES at all cost. Skip it! ―mom
- DON’T COMPARE. There is always more. There is always less. Be happy getting what you need and never condition your happiness to what you want. (Merci #RollingStones)
- Some people will LOVE you for all that you are including your flaws and weaknesses, they too know they aren’t perfect. TREASURE TRUE LOVE AND NEVER TAKE IT FOR GRANTED. Some people will HATE you for no reason or every reason they can come up with. Understand this: THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.
Take the hint and move on with life. They’ll blame you for that too. It’s a no win. ―mom
- HATE? HATE is a fiercely negative and waisted energy. HATE will only imprison and poison the person feeling it. Skip it! “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” #yoda
- FORGIVE. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. NOBODY IS PERFECT. ―mom
- BE HAPPY. Happiness isn’t a smile glued on your face 24/7. Happiness is when you find balance between your hardships and joys. A balance that allows you to grow while learning from your hardships and focussing on your joys. ―mom
Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers! Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” #Aristotle
- ALWAYS MAKE NEW MISTAKES! (One of my very favorite fridge magnets...) We all make mistakes but once we repeat them, they become decisions.
- INCLUDE. We are ALL in this together! “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” #MotherTheresa
- Truth: “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” #AbrahamLincoln ...When I was younger I was convinced that living a short and exciting life was more “my scene” then living a long and boring one! But now that the years have pilled on, I believe that if you can help it to make it a long and exciting one - you win! ;) Take care of your health, you only get one body for your ride. ―mom
“Your curiosity will eventually lead to your true passion.” #ElizabethGilbert
- BE WEIRD. If WEIRD is what you want to be. BE NORMAL. If NORMAL is what you want to be. (Good luck at agreeing as to what the norm is.) BE XYZ... Regardless, you’ll find haters and supporters under all labels and choices... ―mom ... so “Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes YOU happy.” #PauloCoelho
- TRAVEL. SEE THE WORLD THROUGH YOUR OWN EYES. EXPLORE. Realize that our ways aren’t the only ways of the world. Books, documentaries, movies are awesome! (And I urge you to read more then I.) But nothing compares to living life yourself rather then through the experiences of others.
- Yes. LOVE HURTS. Sometimes. “Sometimes it lasts in love and sometimes it hurts instead.” ;) #Adel -- And that’s ok... A life without love would be excruciating. ―mom
- THINK, BEFORE YOU SPEAK. Once it’s said, it’s hard to take back.
- BE THANKFUL. Each day. ―mom
- UNDERSTAND JEALOUSY. Jealousy, aside from being a pure self esteem issue, is the inability to turn admiration into inspiration, letting envy make a pitiful mess out of you. Jealousy is the inability to go after your own goals and dreams while hating others that do. BE INSPIRED. Always be inspired and thereby pulled closer to your dreams or aspirations rather then being stuck in a small world of bitterness... In turn, INSPIRE. ―mom
- OFFER HELP if you think you can be of any. ASK FOR HELP when you need some. ―mom
- DON’T SETTLE for comfort. ―mom
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it’s lethal.” #PauloCoelho
- When you fall, GET BACK UP. If you have to start over. START OVER. It’s ok. ―mom
- DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU. (Remind me of this please.) And before drawing any hasty conclusions always be mindful that each story has (at least) two sides - reporting the facts seen and felt through different angles. ―mom
- FIGHT. Those you love and love you back are worth fighting for AND fighting with! ―mom
“Get up, stand up, STAND UP for your rights. Get up, stand up, DON’T GIVE UP THE FIGHT!” #BobMarley
- EMBRACE CHANGE. Don't resist or fear it. CHANGE is an existential part of life. Nothing will ever be twice the same... And that's ok. Remember to enjoy the uniqueness of each moment, in the moment. ―mom #change
- BE RESOURCEFUL and you will find all the answers you need in due time. ―mom
- LESS IS MORE. The more you know, the less you need. Don't let stuff weigh you down. This is a tricky one, I know... So much glitter out there to be tempted by. I can see your eyes widen and sparkle at the sight alone and am reminded of once being fooled by the illusion myself. I’ll let you experience for yourself that none of these things truly matter in the end. ...Collect moments and memories, not things. ―mom
- This is a sensitive one... “WHY?” I can already hear you ask! Because it is one of the most deadly subjects in this world. And believe it or not, it is all about LOVE and some people claiming their way of loving is best and the only way. LOVE is GOD. GOD/LOVE is LIGHT. THE FORCE if you will;) A DIVINE ENERGY that can be found and nurtured in each of us. There are roughly 4,200 RELIGIONS on this planet alone. I believe they are all different attempts at “translating and interpreting” ONE GOD’s message, just as the word LOVE exists in different forms in over 4,500 major languages* on this earth. Each of these translations have been interpreted/tainted by the human hand through different cultures, linguistics, human projections and through different geographical experiences and testimonials over centuries... I believe that claiming only one of these 4,200 religions holds truth was understandable a century or even a few decades ago, when exposure to the rest of civilization was limited to the common mortal and because it is simply human to exclusively understand the one language/religion one was brought up with. But it is unGOD like to condemn, disrespect or take judgment into human hands against different paths and beliefs. I believe GOD’s truth lies in the center of all religions/translations combined. GOD is ONE, under many names, forms, colors and faces.
GOD/LOVE is within YOU, in it’s most beautiful form.
GOD/LOVE doesn’t hate, discriminate nor kill. All other suggestions or fear induced godly concepts have been man made in an attempt to create order, obedience, discipline or else (while under the influence of THE DARK SIDE;)
This is my very own and humble theory. Many will try and convince you of their truth. Find your truth. It’s right there, in your heart. (I myself found GOD/LOVE when I most challenged the very idea during my teenage years growing up in a Catholic school... my relationship with GOD is a private and personal one.) Some people find God through testimonials in Church, others through personal experiences. ALL ways are good and valid. ―mom
“All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness. The important thing is they should be a part of our daily lives.” #DalaiLama
- MEAN WELL. Know it in your heart, at all times, that your intentions are good. We all make mistakes... it is primarily the intention that makes the act right or wrong, not the outcome. ―mom
- BE PRESENT. Cherish the past. Look forward to the future. But embrace the present. Don't miss out on it by being stuck morning the past or by hoping for a better future. ―mom #beherenow
- AGREE TO DISAGREE, respectfully speak your mind. SPEAK UP! ―mom "It is often the words you don’t say that will haunt you for the longest time."
- EDUCATION is the most powerful tool that shapes this world. Let’s not turn it into a weapon! Learn about the wars in school BUT while learning from it! While learning explicitly not to repeat history’s mistakes or reverse the past through resentment and revenge creating a spiraling effect of hatred towards “the other” because of the past’s mistakes. Let’s learn about LOVE and how to live in harmony and respect. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” #Aristotle
- Remember. It’s OK NOT TO BE PERFECT. It’s about PROGRESS. Not perfection.
- GO FOR IT! ―mom "If you never try, you’ll never know. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take."
- SHARE YOUR HAPPINESS AND JOYS with everyone around and without counting BUT be careful and selective as to whom you share your sorrows and hardships with... ―mom
- LIFE GOES ON... it always does. ―mom
- "If you avoid conflict to keep the peace you start a war inside yourself." YOU ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR EVERYONE TO LIKE YOU.
- THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOOSING. You either win or you learn.
- When you realize something is EXPECTED of you, rather then appreciated... It is ok for you to reconsider. ―mom
- “CLOSE SOME DOORS TODAY. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere.”―Paulo Coelho
- "I have found that when you love life, life will love you back." ―Arthur Rubinstein
- When you start something, you finish it. You do not quit. You give it your BEST. Not to be better then the others but to be your BEST SELF and live your BEST LIFE with no regrets. ―mom
- "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." ―Maya Angelou
- Happiness isn’t something you have to search for, suddenly stumble upon, chase after and/or “find.” HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE, one we can mindfully make each new day; mainly through gratitude and focusing on the good in each day, no matter how small. ―mom
- YOU BECOME what you eat, what you read, what you watch, what and who you listen to, who you follow and- who you hang out with. Be mindful and intentional in all those choices. They are all choices. Just as you strive to be the person that brings out the best in others around you, by inspiring them to become their best selves; you are entitled to expecting the same in return. And in the same way you would cut back on the foods that make you feel overly heavy or bad, you can respectfully distance yourself from the people that no longer show to have your best interest in mind, make you feel sad, mad or constantly weigh you down with their own personal baggage. Self preservation is NOT selfish. It is, to each of us, our very own responsibility to keep our projected expectations onto others in check and make sure that we keep alive and healthy the very bond that united the relationship in the first place! IF a relationship was born of JOY, laughter, companionship, trust, safety and honesty but has overtime turned into any or all: sadness, bickering/fighting, exclusiveness/seclusion, expectation/exploitation, secrets, danger and/or dishonesty... Then you owe it to yourself to distance yourself. They may call you disloyal or un-genuine without once wondering if they held their end of the relationship while sucking it dry, taking all the relationship had to offer without replenishing it with the joy it once was... Or who knows, if handled with respect and honesty, the right amount of distance may prove to be healthy and restore balance for all involved- salvaging the relationship. Time will tell. ―mom
... 51 years and counting. Of course, you will want to see some (or most) of those matters through your own eyes and experiences and I encourage you to do so! I have no doubt that it will take no time for you to share your own wisdom with me. Actually! You already have, every blessed day I have gotten to watch you grow these past 15 years. Thank you for all that you have taught me. Thank you for making me want to be a better person each day, just to be worthy of you. Don’t ever waist a second in your life time wondering if your mom and/or dad love you - because no matter what - we do, more then you'll ever know. I wanted to get that out of the way too.
Now go. Have fun!
May THE FORCE be with you!
#live #laugh #love
*There are roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today. However, about 2,000 of those languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers.
to my daughter some humble wisdom