Tomato, you were a LEGEND at the stables and local show grounds... Always setting up your riders to excel!
You left a grand and sudden void that these young hearts weren't prepared for...
Thank you Tomato for spending your last shows and moments with Samuelle as your rider...
Even if the wins didn't get officially registered by our mistake, (I am so sorry about that,) they will be treasured in memory.
We learned the hard way...
After being told halfway through Sam's first show season in 2019 that we needed to enroll her with IHJA for her scores to be officially recognized, we did. And well, when 2020 rolled around we didn't think twice about it, thinking she was all set and ready to go! It turns out we needed to re-enroll (each year,) for the new show season. Which when we say it now, duh, makes sense! But when you fumble through figuring everything out for the first time (attire, rules, schedules, classes, cross entries... well, it gets to be a lot, and we missed the boat.) Result: Neither was Sam's first's year (2019) registered in full but only two of her shows in 2020 were made official once we found out. That one was more painful as she was having a winning streak that show season, starting on a very special pony named Tomato which very sadly and suddenly died of colic mid season - and none of his wins went recognized by our mistake! That felt heavy on our hearts and took some time to process and forgive ourselves for.
Some of these aren't very user friendly, but you'll figure it out, we did! For now ;)
Samuelle W Leerkamp